Salisbury Point Railroad Historical Society

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Mass Historic Places Massachusetts Historic
Railroad Dates
& Places
(18xx, 19xx, 20xx)
This is a list of all the historic railroad dates and locations that we are aware of in Massachusetts. If you know any that we are missing please let us know !
LittleSalisbury The Annexation of Little Salisbury
The history of a parcel of land that was Salisbury and became part of Amesbury. Kray's history talk tells of Amesbury's annexation of "Little Salisbury" in 1844.
SalisburyPoint Station Salisbury Point Station
The history of the Salisbury Point Station from 1870 to the present day.
Newburyport Bridge Disaster Bridge Disaster at Newburyport
See how a trail plunged of the Merrimac Bridge into the river at Newburyport
Thomas the Tank Thomas the Tank Engine
Read the history of Thomas the Tank Engine and the Reverend Wilbert Awdry's and how from small beginnings came big engines